構造体 PrintConsole

console structure used to store the state of a console render context [詳細]

#include <console.h>


Public 変数

ConsoleFont font
u16 * fontBgMap
u16 * fontBgGfx
u8 mapBase
u8 gfxBase
u8 bgLayer
int bgId
int cursorX
int cursorY
int prevCursorX
int prevCursorY
int consoleWidth
int consoleHeight
int windowX
int windowY
int windowWidth
int windowHeight
int tabSize
u16 fontCharOffset
u16 fontCurPal
ConsolePrint PrintChar
bool consoleInitialised
bool loadGraphics


console structure used to store the state of a console render context

Default values from consolNew():

 PrintConsole defaultConsole = 
		(u16*)default_font_bin, //font gfx
		0, //font palette
		0, //font color count
		4, //bpp
		0, //first ascii character in the set
		128, //number of characters in the font set
		true, //convert to single color
	0, //font background map 
	0, //font background gfx
	31, //map base
	0, //char base
	0, //bg layer in use
	-1, //bg id
	0,0, //cursorX cursorY
	0,0, //prevcursorX prevcursorY
	32, //console width
	24, //console height
	0,  //window x
	0,  //window y
	32, //window width
	24, //window height
	3, //tab size
	0, //font character offset
	0, //selected palette
	0,  //print callback
	false, //console initialized
	true, //load graphics

Graphics/Printing/console_windows/source/main.c, Graphics/Printing/custom_font/source/main.c, Graphics/Printing/print_both_screens/source/template.c, と Graphics/Printing/rotscale_text/source/main.c.


bgId, should be set with a call to bgInit() or bgInitSub()>


Bg layer used by the background >

Height of the console hardware layer in tiles >

True if the console is initialized >

Width of the console hardware layer in tiles >

Current X location of the cursor (as a tile offset by default) >

Current Y location of the cursor (as a tile offset by default) >

Pointer to the bg layer graphics if used. Is set by bgInit if bgId is valid>

Pointer to the bg layer map if used. Is set by bgInit if bgId is valid>

Offset to the first graphics tile in background memory (in case your font is not loaded at a graphics base boundary)>

The current palette used by the engine (only applies to 4bpp text backgrounds) >

Tile graphics base set by console init based on background setup >

True if consoleInit should attempt to load font graphics into background memory >

Map base set by console init based on background setup >

Internal state >

Internal state >

callback for printing a character. Should return true if it has handled rendering the graphics (else the print engine will attempt to render via tiles) >

Size of a tab >

Window height in tiles (not implemented) >

Window width in tiles (not implemented) >

Window X location in tiles (not implemented) >

Window Y location in tiles (not implemented) >

 全て クラス ファイル 関数 変数 型定義 列挙型 列挙型の値 マクロ定義
libndsに対してMon Apr 26 23:39:50 2010に生成されました。  doxygen 1.6.3