console structure used to store the state of a console render context [詳細]
#include <console.h>
Public 変数 | |
ConsoleFont | font |
u16 * | fontBgMap |
u16 * | fontBgGfx |
u8 | mapBase |
u8 | gfxBase |
u8 | bgLayer |
int | bgId |
int | cursorX |
int | cursorY |
int | prevCursorX |
int | prevCursorY |
int | consoleWidth |
int | consoleHeight |
int | windowX |
int | windowY |
int | windowWidth |
int | windowHeight |
int | tabSize |
u16 | fontCharOffset |
u16 | fontCurPal |
ConsolePrint | PrintChar |
bool | consoleInitialised |
bool | loadGraphics |
console structure used to store the state of a console render context
Default values from consolNew():
PrintConsole defaultConsole = { Font: { (u16*)default_font_bin, //font gfx 0, //font palette 0, //font color count 4, //bpp 0, //first ascii character in the set 128, //number of characters in the font set true, //convert to single color }, 0, //font background map 0, //font background gfx 31, //map base 0, //char base 0, //bg layer in use -1, //bg id 0,0, //cursorX cursorY 0,0, //prevcursorX prevcursorY 32, //console width 24, //console height 0, //window x 0, //window y 32, //window width 24, //window height 3, //tab size 0, //font character offset 0, //selected palette 0, //print callback false, //console initialized true, //load graphics };
Graphics/Printing/console_windows/source/main.c, Graphics/Printing/custom_font/source/main.c, Graphics/Printing/print_both_screens/source/template.c, と Graphics/Printing/rotscale_text/source/main.c.
bgId, should be set with a call to bgInit() or bgInitSub()>
Bg layer used by the background >
Height of the console hardware layer in tiles >
True if the console is initialized >
Width of the console hardware layer in tiles >
Current X location of the cursor (as a tile offset by default) >
Current Y location of the cursor (as a tile offset by default) >
Pointer to the bg layer graphics if used. Is set by bgInit if bgId is valid>
Pointer to the bg layer map if used. Is set by bgInit if bgId is valid>
Offset to the first graphics tile in background memory (in case your font is not loaded at a graphics base boundary)>
The current palette used by the engine (only applies to 4bpp text backgrounds) >
Tile graphics base set by console init based on background setup >
True if consoleInit should attempt to load font graphics into background memory >
Map base set by console init based on background setup >
Internal state >
Internal state >
ConsolePrint PrintConsole::PrintChar |
callback for printing a character. Should return true if it has handled rendering the graphics (else the print engine will attempt to render via tiles) >
Size of a tab >
Window height in tiles (not implemented) >
Window width in tiles (not implemented) >
Window X location in tiles (not implemented) >
Window Y location in tiles (not implemented) >