__argv | Argv structure |
__bootstub | |
AllocHeader | |
bg_attribute | Register overlay for background attribute registers |
bg_scroll | Register overlay for scroll registers |
bg_transform | Register overlay for affine matrix registers |
BgState | |
ConsoleFont | |
DecompressionStream | |
DynamicArray | A resizable array |
FifoMessage | |
gl_hidden_globals | |
GLvector | Holds a Vector related functions: glScalev(), glTranslatev() |
hostent | |
image | A union of data pointers to the pixel data |
in_addr | |
IntTable | |
Keyboard | Describes a keyboard |
KeyMap | Defines a key mapping |
LinkedList | |
m3x3 | Holds a Matrix of 3x3 |
m4x3 | Holds a Matrix of 4x3 |
m4x4 | Holds a Matrix of 4x4 |
mmreverbcfg | |
MotionCalibration | |
OamState | |
OAMTable | |
PCXHeader | |
PrintConsole | Console structure used to store the state of a console render context |
RGB_24 | Holds a red green blue triplet |
RTCtime | |
sGBAHeader | GBAファイルのファイルヘッダフォーマット |
sImage | A generic image structure |
sNDSBanner | NDS バナーフォーマット |
sNDSHeader | NDSファイルのファイルヘッダフォーマット |
sockaddr | |
sockaddr_in | |
SpriteEntry | A bitfield of sprite attribute goodness...ugly to look at but not so bad to use |
SpriteRotation | A sprite rotation entry |
t_mmdssample | |
t_mmdssystem | |
t_mmgbasystem | |
t_mmlayer | |
t_mmsoundeffect | |
t_mmstream | |
tmm_voice | |
touchPosition | Holds data related to the touch screen |
tPERSONAL_DATA | User's DS settings |
UnpackStruct | |