openGL (ish) interface to DS 3D hardware. [詳細]
#include "nds/dma.h"
#include "nds/ndstypes.h"
#include "nds/arm9/video.h"
#include "nds/arm9/cache.h"
#include "nds/arm9/trig_lut.h"
#include "nds/arm9/math.h"
#include "nds/dynamicArray.h"
構成 | |
struct | m3x3 |
Holds a Matrix of 3x3. [詳細] | |
struct | m4x4 |
Holds a Matrix of 4x4. [詳細] | |
struct | m4x3 |
Holds a Matrix of 4x3. [詳細] | |
struct | GLvector |
Holds a Vector related functions: glScalev(), glTranslatev(). [詳細] | |
struct | gl_hidden_globals |
マクロ定義 | |
#define | GL_STATIC_INL static inline |
#define | LUT_SIZE (1<<15) |
#define | LUT_MASK ((1<<15) - 1) |
#define | MAX_TEXTURES 2048 |
#define | int_to_12d3(n) ((n) << 3) |
convert int to fixed12d3 | |
#define | float_to_12d3(n) ((fixed12d3)((n) * (1 << 3))) |
convert float to fixed12d3 | |
#define | GL_MAX_DEPTH 0x7FFF |
the maximum value for type fixed12d3 | |
#define | inttof32(n) ((n) << 12) |
convert int to f32 | |
#define | f32toint(n) ((n) >> 12) |
convert f32 to int | |
#define | floattof32(n) ((int32)((n) * (1 << 12))) |
convert float to f32 | |
#define | f32tofloat(n) (((float)(n)) / (float)(1<<12)) |
convert f32 to float | |
#define | f32tot16(n) ((t16)(n >> 8)) |
convert f32 to t16 | |
#define | inttot16(n) ((n) << 4) |
convert int to t16 | |
#define | t16toint(n) ((n) >> 4) |
convert t16 to int | |
#define | floattot16(n) ((t16)((n) * (1 << 4))) |
convert float to t16 | |
#define | TEXTURE_PACK(u, v) (((u) & 0xFFFF) | ((v) << 16)) |
Pack 2 t16 texture coordinate values into a 32bit value. | |
#define | inttov16(n) ((n) << 12) |
convert int to v16 | |
#define | f32tov16(n) (n) |
f32 to v16 | |
#define | v16toint(n) ((n) >> 12) |
convert v16 to int | |
#define | floattov16(n) ((v16)((n) * (1 << 12))) |
convert float to v16 | |
#define | VERTEX_PACK(x, y) (((x) & 0xFFFF) | ((y) << 16)) |
Pack to v16 values into one 32bit value. | |
#define | inttov10(n) ((n) << 9) |
convert int to v10 | |
#define | f32tov10(n) ((v10)(n >> 3)) |
convert f32 to v10 | |
#define | v10toint(n) ((n) >> 9) |
convert v10 to int | |
#define | floattov10(n) ((n>.998) ? 0x1FF : ((v10)((n)*(1<<9)))) |
convert float to v10 | |
#define | NORMAL_PACK(x, y, z) (((x) & 0x3FF) | (((y) & 0x3FF) << 10) | ((z) << 20)) |
Pack 3 v10 normals into a 32bit value. | |
#define | GL_FALSE 0 |
#define | GL_TRUE 1 |
#define | FIFO_COMMAND_PACK(c1, c2, c3, c4) (((c4) << 24) | ((c3) << 16) | ((c2) << 8) | (c1)) |
packs four packed commands into a 32bit command for sending to the GFX FIFO | |
#define | REG2ID(r) (u8)( ( ((u32)(&(r)))-0x04000400 ) >> 2 ) |
converts a GFX command for use in a packed command list | |
packed command for nothing, just here to pad your command lists | |
packed command for geometry engine status register GBATEK | |
packed command for vertex color directly GBATEK | |
packed command for a vertex with 3 16bit paramaters(and 16bits of padding) GBATEK | |
packed command for a texture coordinate GBATEK | |
packed command for texture format GBATEK | |
packed command for texture palette attributes GBATEK | |
packed command for clear color of the rear plane GBATEK | |
sets depth of the rear plane GBATEK | |
packed command for direction of a light source GBATEK | |
packed command for color for a light GBATEK | |
packed command for normal for following vertices GBATEK | |
packed command for setting diffuse and ambient material properties for the following vertices GBATEK | |
packed command for setting specular and emmissive material properties for the following vertices GBATEK | |
packed command for setting the shininess table to be used for the following vertices GBATEK | |
packed command for setting polygon attributes GBATEK | |
packed command that starts a polygon vertex list GBATEK | |
#define | FIFO_END REG2ID(GFX_END) |
packed command that has no discernable effect, it's probably best to never use it since it bloats the size of the list. GBATEK | |
packed command that has the same effect as swiWaitForVBlank() GBATEK | |
packed command for setting viewport GBATEK | |
型定義 | |
typedef uint16 | fixed12d3 |
Used for depth (glClearDepth, glCutoffDepth). | |
typedef short | t16 |
text coordinate 12.4 fixed point | |
typedef short int | v16 |
vertex 4.12 fixed format | |
typedef short int | v10 |
normal .10 fixed point, NOT USED FOR 10bit VERTEXES!!! | |
typedef unsigned short | rgb |
Holds a color value. 1bit alpha, 5bits red, 5bits green, 5bits blue. | |
typedef struct m3x3 | m3x3 |
Holds a Matrix of 3x3. | |
typedef struct m4x4 | m4x4 |
Holds a Matrix of 4x4. | |
typedef struct m4x3 | m4x3 |
Holds a Matrix of 4x3. | |
typedef struct GLvector | GLvector |
Holds a Vector related functions: glScalev(), glTranslatev(). | |
typedef struct gl_hidden_globals | gl_hidden_globals |
列挙型 | |
Enums selecting polygon draw mode | |
Enums selecting matrix mode | |
Enums for setting up materials | |
enum | GL_POLY_FORMAT_ENUM { POLY_FORMAT_LIGHT0 = (1<<0), POLY_FORMAT_LIGHT1 = (1<<1), POLY_FORMAT_LIGHT2 = (1<<2), POLY_FORMAT_LIGHT3 = (1<<3), POLY_MODULATION = (0<<4), POLY_DECAL = (1<<4), POLY_TOON_HIGHLIGHT = (2<<4), POLY_SHADOW = (3<<4), POLY_CULL_FRONT = (1<<6), POLY_CULL_BACK = (2<<6), POLY_CULL_NONE = (3<<6), POLY_FOG = (1<<15) } |
Enums for setting how polygons will be displayed | |
Enums for size of a texture, specify one for horizontal and one for vertical related functions: glTexImage2d(), glTexParameter(). [詳細] | |
enum | GL_TEXTURE_PARAM_ENUM { GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S = (1 << 16), GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T = (1 << 17), GL_TEXTURE_FLIP_S = (1 << 18), GL_TEXTURE_FLIP_T = (1 << 19), GL_TEXTURE_COLOR0_TRANSPARENT = (1<<29), TEXGEN_OFF = (0<<30), TEXGEN_TEXCOORD = (1<<30), TEXGEN_NORMAL = (2<<30), TEXGEN_POSITION = (3<<30) } |
Enums for texture parameters, such as texture wrapping and texture coord stuff | |
enum | GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM { GL_RGB32_A3 = 1, GL_RGB4 = 2, GL_RGB16 = 3, GL_RGB256 = 4, GL_COMPRESSED = 5, GL_RGB8_A5 = 6, GL_RGBA = 7, GL_RGB = 8 } |
Enums for texture formats | |
enum | DISP3DCNT_ENUM { GL_TEXTURE_2D = (1<<0), GL_TOON_HIGHLIGHT = (1<<1), GL_ALPHA_TEST = (1<<2), GL_BLEND = (1<<3), GL_ANTIALIAS = (1<<4), GL_OUTLINE = (1<<5), GL_FOG_ONLY_ALPHA = (1<<6), GL_FOG = (1<<7), GL_COLOR_UNDERFLOW = (1<<12), GL_POLY_OVERFLOW = (1<<13), GL_CLEAR_BMP = (1<<14) } |
3D Display Control Register Enums | |
Enums for reading stuff from the geometry engine | |
Enums for glFlush() | |
関数 | |
void | glRotatef32i (int angle, int32 x, int32 y, int32 z) |
Rotates the model view matrix by angle about the specified unit vector. | |
int | glTexImage2D (int target, int empty1, GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM type, int sizeX, int sizeY, int empty2, int param, const uint8 *texture) |
Loads a 2D texture into texture memory and sets the currently bound texture ID to the attributes specified. | |
void | glTexLoadPal (const u16 *pal, u16 count, u32 addr) |
Loads a palette into the specified texture addr. | |
int | gluTexLoadPal (const u16 *pal, u16 count, uint8 format) |
Loads a palette into the next available palette slot, returns the addr on success or -1. | |
void | glTexParameter (uint8 sizeX, uint8 sizeY, const uint32 *addr, GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM mode, GL_TEXTURE_PARAM_ENUM param) |
Set parameters for the current texture. Although named the same as its gl counterpart, it is not compatible. Effort may be made in the future to make it so. | |
u32 | glGetTexParameter (void) |
Returns the active texture parameter (constructed from internal call to glTexParameter). | |
void * | glGetTexturePointer (int name) |
returns the address alocated to the texure named by name | |
void | glBindTexture (int target, int name) |
glBindTexure sets the current named texture to the active texture. Target is ignored as all DS textures are 2D | |
void | glColorTable (uint8 format, uint32 addr) |
glColorTable establishes the location of the current palette. Roughly follows glColorTableEXT. Association of palettes with named textures is left to the application. | |
int | glGenTextures (int n, int *names) |
Creates room for the specified number of textures. | |
void | glResetTextures (void) |
Resets the gl texture state freeing all texture memory. | |
void | glTexCoord2f32 (int32 u, int32 v) |
Sets texture coordinates for following vertices GBATEK | |
void | glMaterialf (GL_MATERIALS_ENUM mode, rgb color) |
specify the material properties to be used in rendering lit polygons | |
void | glInit_C (void) |
gl_hidden_globals * | glGetGlobals () |
uint32 | POLY_ALPHA (int n) |
used in glPolyFmt() to set the alpha level for the following polygons, set to 0 for wireframe mode | |
uint32 | POLY_ID (int n) |
used in glPolyFmt() to set the Polygon ID for the following polygons | |
void | glBegin (GL_GLBEGIN_ENUM mode) |
Starts a polygon group. | |
void | glEnd (void) |
Ends a polygon group, this seems to be a dummy function that does absolutely nothing, feel free to never use it. | |
void | glClearDepth (fixed12d3 depth) |
reset the depth buffer to this value; generally set this to GL_MAX_DEPTH. GBATEK | |
void | glColor3b (uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue) |
Set the color for following vertices. | |
void | glColor (rgb color) |
Set the color for following vertices. | |
void | glVertex3v16 (v16 x, v16 y, v16 z) |
specifies a vertex | |
void | glTexCoord2t16 (t16 u, t16 v) |
Sets texture coordinates for following vertices GBATEK | |
void | glPushMatrix (void) |
Pushes the current matrix onto the stack GBATEK | |
void | glPopMatrix (int32 num) |
Pops num matrices off the stack GBATEK | |
void | glRestoreMatrix (int32 index) |
Restores the current matrix from a location in the stack GBATEK | |
void | glStoreMatrix (int32 index) |
Place the current matrix into the stack at a location GBATEK | |
void | glScalev (const GLvector *v) |
multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix GBATEK | |
void | glTranslatev (const GLvector *v) |
multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix GBATEK | |
void | glTranslate3f32 (int32 x, int32 y, int32 z) |
multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix GBATEK | |
void | glScalef32 (int32 factor) |
multiply the current matrix by a scale matrix GBATEK | |
void | glLight (int id, rgb color, v10 x, v10 y, v10 z) |
set a light up. Only parallel light sources are supported on the DS GBATEK | |
void | glNormal (uint32 normal) |
the normal to use for following vertices GBATEK | |
void | glLoadIdentity (void) |
loads an identity matrix to the current matrix, same as glIdentity(void) | |
void | glMatrixMode (GL_MATRIX_MODE_ENUM mode) |
change the current matrix mode GBATEK | |
void | glViewport (uint8 x1, uint8 y1, uint8 x2, uint8 y2) |
specify the viewport for following drawing, can be set several times per frame. GBATEK | |
void | glFlush (uint32 mode) |
Waits for a Vblank and swaps the buffers(like swiWaitForVBlank), but lets you specify some 3D options GBATEK | |
void | glMaterialShinyness (void) |
The DS uses a table for shininess..this generates a half-ass one. | |
void | glCallList (const u32 *list) |
throws a packed list of commands into the graphics FIFO via asyncronous DMA The first 32bits is the length of the packed command list, followed by a the packed list. If you want to do this really fast then write your own code that that does this synchronously and only flushes the cache when the list is changed There is sometimes a problem when you pack the GFX_END command into a list, so don't. GFX_END is a dummy command and never needs called GBATEK | |
void | glPolyFmt (uint32 params) |
Set the parameters for polygons rendered on the current frame GBATEK | |
void | glEnable (int bits) |
Enables various gl states (blend, alpha test, etc..). | |
void | glDisable (int bits) |
Disables various gl states (blend, alpha test, etc..). | |
void | glLoadMatrix4x4 (const m4x4 *m) |
Loads a 4x4 matrix into the current matrix. | |
void | glLoadMatrix4x3 (const m4x3 *m) |
Loads a 4x3 matrix into the current matrix. | |
void | glMultMatrix4x4 (const m4x4 *m) |
Multiplies the current matrix by m. | |
void | glMultMatrix4x3 (const m4x3 *m) |
multiplies the current matrix by | |
void | glMultMatrix3x3 (const m3x3 *m) |
multiplies the current matrix by m | |
void | glRotateXi (int angle) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle about the x axis. | |
void | glRotateYi (int angle) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle about the y axis. | |
void | glRotateZi (int angle) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle about the z axis. | |
void | glOrthof32 (int32 left, int32 right, int32 bottom, int32 top, int32 zNear, int32 zFar) |
Multiplies the current matrix into ortho graphic mode. | |
void | gluLookAtf32 (int32 eyex, int32 eyey, int32 eyez, int32 lookAtx, int32 lookAty, int32 lookAtz, int32 upx, int32 upy, int32 upz) |
Places the camera at the specified location and orientation (fixed point version). | |
void | glFrustumf32 (int32 left, int32 right, int32 bottom, int32 top, int32 near, int32 far) |
Specifies the viewing frustum for the projection matrix (fixed point version). | |
void | gluPerspectivef32 (int fovy, int32 aspect, int32 zNear, int32 zFar) |
Utility function which sets up the projection matrix (fixed point version). | |
void | gluPickMatrix (int x, int y, int width, int height, const int viewport[4]) |
Utility function which generates a picking matrix for selection. | |
void | glResetMatrixStack (void) |
Resets matrix stack to top level. | |
void | glSetOutlineColor (int id, rgb color) |
Specifies an edge color for polygons. | |
void | glSetToonTable (const uint16 *table) |
Loads a toon table. | |
void | glSetToonTableRange (int start, int end, rgb color) |
Sets a range of colors on the toon table. | |
void | glGetFixed (const GL_GET_ENUM param, int32 *f) |
Grabs fixed format of state variables OpenGL's modelview matrix is handled on the DS with two matrices. The combination of the DS's position matrix and directional vector matrix hold the data that is in OpenGL's one modelview matrix. (a.k.a. modelview = postion and vector) | |
void | glAlphaFunc (int alphaThreshold) |
set the minimum alpha value that will be used GBATEK | |
void | glCutoffDepth (fixed12d3 wVal) |
Stop the drawing of polygons that are a certain distance from the camera. GBATEK | |
void | glInit () |
Initializes the gl state machine (must be called once before using gl calls). | |
void | glClearColor (uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue, uint8 alpha) |
sets the color of the rear-plane(a.k.a Clear Color/Plane) | |
void | glClearPolyID (uint8 ID) |
sets the polygon ID of the rear-plane(a.k.a. Clear/Color Plane), useful for antialiasing and edge coloring | |
void | glGetInt (GL_GET_ENUM param, int *i) |
Grabs integer state variables from openGL. | |
void | glVertex3f (float x, float y, float z) |
specifies a vertex location | |
void | glRotatef32 (float angle, int32 x, int32 y, int32 z) |
Rotate on an arbitrary axis. | |
void | glRotatef (float angle, float x, float y, float z) |
Rotate about an arbitrary axis. | |
void | glColor3f (float r, float g, float b) |
specify a color for following vertices | |
void | glScalef (float x, float y, float z) |
multiply the current matrix by a scale matrix GBATEK | |
void | glTranslatef (float x, float y, float z) |
multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix GBATEK | |
void | glNormal3f (float x, float y, float z) |
the normal to use for following vertices GBATEK | |
void | glRotateX (float angle) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle degrees about the x axis. | |
void | glRotateY (float angle) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle degrees about the y axis. | |
void | glRotateZ (float angle) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle degrees about the z axis. | |
void | glOrtho (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar) |
Multiplies the current matrix into ortho graphic mode. | |
void | gluLookAt (float eyex, float eyey, float eyez, float lookAtx, float lookAty, float lookAtz, float upx, float upy, float upz) |
Places the camera at the specified location and orientation (floating point version). | |
void | glFrustum (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far) |
Specifies the viewing frustum for the projection matrix (floating point version). | |
void | gluPerspective (float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar) |
Utility function which sets up the projection matrix (floating point version). | |
void | glTexCoord2f (float s, float t) |
Sets texture coordinates for following vertices GBATEK | |
変数 | |
gl_hidden_globals | glGlobalData |
openGL (ish) interface to DS 3D hardware.
3D Display Control Register Enums
related functions: glEnable(), glDisable(), glInit()
enable/disable textures on the geometry engine |
enable = Highlight shading; disable = Toon shading |
whether to use the alpha threshold set in glAlphaFunc() |
enable/disable alpha blending |
nable/disable edge antialiasing; polygons must have different polygon IDs for the effect to work and the rear plane must be clear |
enable/disable edge coloring; the high 3bits of the polygon ID determine the color; glSetOutlineColor() sets the available colors |
enable = fade into background?; disable = don't fade? |
enables/disables fog |
enable = color buffer underflow, setting resets overflow flag; disable = no color buffer overflow |
enable = polygon/vertex buffer overflow, setting resets overflow flag; disable = no polygon/vertex buffer overflow |
rear/clear plane is in BMP mode; disable = rear/color plane is in clear mode |
enum GL_GET_ENUM |
Enums for reading stuff from the geometry engine
related functions: glGetInt(), glGetFixed().
returns a count of vertexes currently stored in hardware vertex ram. Use glGetInt() to retrieve |
returns a count of polygons currently stored in hardware polygon ram. Use glGetInt() to retrieve |
returns the current 3x3 directional vector matrix. Use glGetFixed() to retrieve |
returns the current 4x4 position matrix. Use glGetFixed() to retrieve |
returns the current 4x4 projection matrix. Use glGetFixed() to retrieve |
returns the current 4x4 clip matrix. Use glGetFixed() to retrieve |
returns the width of the currently bound texture. Use glGetInt() to retrieve |
returns the height of the currently bound texture. Use glGetInt() to retrieve |
Enums selecting polygon draw mode
related functions: glBegin().
Enums for setting up materials
related functions: glMaterialf().
Enums selecting matrix mode
related functions: glMatrixMode().
Enums for setting how polygons will be displayed
related functions: glPolyFmt(), glInit(), POLY_ALPHA(), POLY_ID().
Enums for texture parameters, such as texture wrapping and texture coord stuff
related functions: glTexImage2d(), glTexParameter().
Enums for size of a texture, specify one for horizontal and one for vertical related functions: glTexImage2d(), glTexParameter().
Enums for texture formats
related functions: glTexImage2d(), glTexParameter().
Enums for glFlush()
related functions: glEnable(), glDisable(), glInit().
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glAlphaFunc | ( | int | alphaThreshold | ) |
set the minimum alpha value that will be used
alphaThreshold | minimum alpha value that will be used (0-15) |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glBegin | ( | GL_GLBEGIN_ENUM | mode | ) |
Starts a polygon group.
mode | the draw mode for the polygon |
void glBindTexture | ( | int | target, | |
int | name | |||
) |
glBindTexure sets the current named texture to the active texture. Target is ignored as all DS textures are 2D
target | ignored, only here for OpenGL compatability | |
name | the name(int value) to set to the current texture |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glClearColor | ( | uint8 | red, | |
uint8 | green, | |||
uint8 | blue, | |||
uint8 | alpha | |||
) |
sets the color of the rear-plane(a.k.a Clear Color/Plane)
red | component (0-31) | |
green | component (0-31) | |
blue | component (0-31) | |
alpha | from 0(clear) to 31(opaque) |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glClearDepth | ( | fixed12d3 | depth | ) |
reset the depth buffer to this value; generally set this to GL_MAX_DEPTH.
depth | Something to do with the depth buffer, generally set to GL_MAX_DEPTH |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glClearPolyID | ( | uint8 | ID | ) |
sets the polygon ID of the rear-plane(a.k.a. Clear/Color Plane), useful for antialiasing and edge coloring
ID | the polygon ID to give the rear-plane |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glColor | ( | rgb | color | ) |
Set the color for following vertices.
color | the 15bit color value |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glColor3b | ( | uint8 | red, | |
uint8 | green, | |||
uint8 | blue | |||
) |
Set the color for following vertices.
red | the red component (0-255) Bottom 3 bits ignored | |
green | the green component (0-255) Bottom 3 bits ignored | |
blue | the blue component (0-255) Bottom 3 bits ignored |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glColor3f | ( | float | r, | |
float | g, | |||
float | b | |||
) |
specify a color for following vertices
r | the red component of the color | |
g | the green component of the color | |
b | the blue component of the color |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glCutoffDepth | ( | fixed12d3 | wVal | ) |
Stop the drawing of polygons that are a certain distance from the camera.
wVal | polygons that are beyond this W-value(distance from camera) will not be drawn; 15bit value. |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glDisable | ( | int | bits | ) |
Disables various gl states (blend, alpha test, etc..).
bits | bit mask of desired attributes, attributes are enumerated in DISP3DCNT_ENUM |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glEnable | ( | int | bits | ) |
Enables various gl states (blend, alpha test, etc..).
bits | bit mask of desired attributes, attributes are enumerated in DISP3DCNT_ENUM |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glFlush | ( | uint32 | mode | ) |
Waits for a Vblank and swaps the buffers(like swiWaitForVBlank), but lets you specify some 3D options
mode | flags from GLFLUSH_ENUM for enabling Y-sorting of translucent polygons and W-Buffering of all vertices |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glFrustum | ( | float | left, | |
float | right, | |||
float | bottom, | |||
float | top, | |||
float | near, | |||
float | far | |||
) |
Specifies the viewing frustum for the projection matrix (floating point version).
left | left right top and bottom describe a rectangle located at the near clipping plane | |
right | left right top and bottom describe a rectangle located at the near clipping plane | |
top | left right top and bottom describe a rectangle located at the near clipping plane | |
bottom | left right top and bottom describe a rectangle located at the near clipping plane | |
near | Location of a the near clipping plane (parallel to viewing window) | |
far | Location of a the far clipping plane (parallel to viewing window) |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glFrustumf32 | ( | int32 | left, | |
int32 | right, | |||
int32 | bottom, | |||
int32 | top, | |||
int32 | near, | |||
int32 | far | |||
) |
Specifies the viewing frustum for the projection matrix (fixed point version).
left | left right top and bottom describe a rectangle located at the near clipping plane | |
right | left right top and bottom describe a rectangle located at the near clipping plane | |
top | left right top and bottom describe a rectangle located at the near clipping plane | |
bottom | left right top and bottom describe a rectangle located at the near clipping plane | |
near | Location of a the near clipping plane (parallel to viewing window) | |
far | Location of a the far clipping plane (parallel to viewing window) |
int glGenTextures | ( | int | n, | |
int * | names | |||
) |
Creates room for the specified number of textures.
n | the number of textures to generate | |
names | pointer to the names array to fill |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glGetFixed | ( | const GL_GET_ENUM | param, | |
int32 * | f | |||
) |
Grabs fixed format of state variables
OpenGL's modelview matrix is handled on the DS with two matrices. The combination of the DS's position matrix and directional vector matrix hold the data that is in OpenGL's one modelview matrix. (a.k.a. modelview = postion and vector)
param | The state variable to retrieve | |
f | pointer with room to hold the requested data |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glGetInt | ( | GL_GET_ENUM | param, | |
int * | i | |||
) |
Grabs integer state variables from openGL.
param | The state variable to retrieve | |
i | pointer with room to hold the requested data |
void* glGetTexturePointer | ( | int | name | ) |
returns the address alocated to the texure named by name
name | the name of the texture to get a pointer to |
set a light up. Only parallel light sources are supported on the DS
id | the number of the light to setup | |
color | the color of the light | |
x | the x component of the lights directional vector. Direction must be normalized | |
y | the y component of the lights directional vector. Direction must be normalized | |
z | the z component of the lights directional vector. Direction must be normalized |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glLoadMatrix4x3 | ( | const m4x3 * | m | ) |
Loads a 4x3 matrix into the current matrix.
m | pointer to a 4x4 matrix |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glLoadMatrix4x4 | ( | const m4x4 * | m | ) |
Loads a 4x4 matrix into the current matrix.
m | pointer to a 4x4 matrix |
void glMaterialf | ( | GL_MATERIALS_ENUM | mode, | |
rgb | color | |||
) |
specify the material properties to be used in rendering lit polygons
mode | which material property to change | |
color | the color to set for that material property |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glMatrixMode | ( | GL_MATRIX_MODE_ENUM | mode | ) |
change the current matrix mode
mode | the mode for the matrix |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glMultMatrix3x3 | ( | const m3x3 * | m | ) |
multiplies the current matrix by m
m | pointer to a 3x3 matrix |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glMultMatrix4x3 | ( | const m4x3 * | m | ) |
multiplies the current matrix by
m | pointer to a 4x3 matrix |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glMultMatrix4x4 | ( | const m4x4 * | m | ) |
Multiplies the current matrix by m.
m | pointer to a 4x4 matrix |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glNormal | ( | uint32 | normal | ) |
the normal to use for following vertices
normal | the packed normal(3 * 10bit x, y, z) |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glNormal3f | ( | float | x, | |
float | y, | |||
float | z | |||
) |
the normal to use for following vertices
x | x component of the normal, vector must be normalized | |
y | y component of the normal, vector must be normalized | |
z | z component of the normal, vector must be normalized |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glOrtho | ( | float | left, | |
float | right, | |||
float | bottom, | |||
float | top, | |||
float | zNear, | |||
float | zFar | |||
) |
Multiplies the current matrix into ortho graphic mode.
left | left vertical clipping plane | |
right | right vertical clipping plane | |
bottom | bottom vertical clipping plane | |
top | top vertical clipping plane | |
zNear | near clipping plane | |
zFar | far clipping plane |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glOrthof32 | ( | int32 | left, | |
int32 | right, | |||
int32 | bottom, | |||
int32 | top, | |||
int32 | zNear, | |||
int32 | zFar | |||
) |
Multiplies the current matrix into ortho graphic mode.
left | left vertical clipping plane | |
right | right vertical clipping plane | |
bottom | bottom vertical clipping plane | |
top | top vertical clipping plane | |
zNear | near clipping plane | |
zFar | far clipping plane |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glPolyFmt | ( | uint32 | params | ) |
Set the parameters for polygons rendered on the current frame
params | the paramters to set for the polygons for the current frame. valid paramters are enumerated in GL_POLY_FORMAT_ENUM and in the functions POLY_ALPHA() and POLY_ID() |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glPopMatrix | ( | int32 | num | ) |
Pops num matrices off the stack
num | the number to pop down the stack |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRestoreMatrix | ( | int32 | index | ) |
Restores the current matrix from a location in the stack
index | the place in the stack to restore to |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRotatef | ( | float | angle, | |
float | x, | |||
float | y, | |||
float | z | |||
) |
Rotate about an arbitrary axis.
angle | the angle to rotate by | |
x | the x component of the axis to rotate on | |
y | the y component of the axis to rotate on | |
z | the z component of the axis to rotate on |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRotatef32 | ( | float | angle, | |
int32 | x, | |||
int32 | y, | |||
int32 | z | |||
) |
Rotate on an arbitrary axis.
angle | the angle to rotate by | |
x | the x component of the axis to rotate on | |
y | the y component of the axis to rotate on | |
z | the z component of the axis to rotate on |
void glRotatef32i | ( | int | angle, | |
int32 | x, | |||
int32 | y, | |||
int32 | z | |||
) |
Rotates the model view matrix by angle about the specified unit vector.
angle | The angle to rotate by | |
x | X component of the unit vector axis. | |
y | Y component of the unit vector axis. | |
z | Z component of the unit vector axis. |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRotateX | ( | float | angle | ) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle degrees about the x axis.
angle | The angle to rotate by |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRotateXi | ( | int | angle | ) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle about the x axis.
angle | The angle to rotate by (angle is -32768 to 32767) |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRotateY | ( | float | angle | ) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle degrees about the y axis.
angle | The angle to rotate by |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRotateYi | ( | int | angle | ) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle about the y axis.
angle | The angle to rotate by (angle is -32768 to 32767) |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRotateZ | ( | float | angle | ) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle degrees about the z axis.
angle | The angle to rotate by |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glRotateZi | ( | int | angle | ) |
Rotates the current modelview matrix by angle about the z axis.
angle | The angle to rotate by (angle is -32768 to 32767) |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glScalef | ( | float | x, | |
float | y, | |||
float | z | |||
) |
multiply the current matrix by a scale matrix
x | scaling on the x axis | |
y | scaling on the y axis | |
z | scaling on the z axis |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glScalef32 | ( | int32 | factor | ) |
multiply the current matrix by a scale matrix
factor | the factor to scale by |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glScalev | ( | const GLvector * | v | ) |
multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
v | the vector to translate by |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glSetOutlineColor | ( | int | id, | |
rgb | color | |||
) |
Specifies an edge color for polygons.
id | which outline color to set (0-7) | |
color | the 15bit color to set |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glSetToonTable | ( | const uint16 * | table | ) |
Loads a toon table.
table | pointer to the 32 color palette to load into the toon table |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glSetToonTableRange | ( | int | start, | |
int | end, | |||
rgb | color | |||
) |
Sets a range of colors on the toon table.
start | the start of the range | |
end | the end of the range | |
color | the color to set for that range |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glStoreMatrix | ( | int32 | index | ) |
Place the current matrix into the stack at a location
index | the place in the stack to put the current matrix |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glTexCoord2f | ( | float | s, | |
float | t | |||
) |
Sets texture coordinates for following vertices
s | S(a.k.a. U) texture coordinate (0.0 - 1.0) | |
t | T(a.k.a. V) texture coordinate (0.0 - 1.0) |
void glTexCoord2f32 | ( | int32 | u, | |
int32 | v | |||
) |
Sets texture coordinates for following vertices
u | U(a.k.a. S) texture coordinate (0.0 - 1.0) | |
v | V(a.k.a. T) texture coordinate (0.0 - 1.0) |
Sets texture coordinates for following vertices
u | U(a.k.a. S) texture coordinate in texels | |
v | V(a.k.a. T) texture coordinate in texels |
int glTexImage2D | ( | int | target, | |
int | empty1, | |||
GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM | type, | |||
int | sizeX, | |||
int | sizeY, | |||
int | empty2, | |||
int | param, | |||
const uint8 * | texture | |||
) |
Loads a 2D texture into texture memory and sets the currently bound texture ID to the attributes specified.
target | not used, just here for OpenGL compatibility | |
empty1 | not used, just here for OpenGL compatibility | |
type | The format of the texture | |
sizeX | the horizontal size of the texture; valid sizes are enumerated in GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM | |
sizeY | the vertical size of the texture; valid sizes are enumerated in GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM | |
empty2 | not used, just here for OpenGL compatibility | |
param | parameters for the texture | |
texture | pointer to the texture data to load |
void glTexLoadPal | ( | const u16 * | pal, | |
u16 | count, | |||
u32 | addr | |||
) |
Loads a palette into the specified texture addr.
pal | pointer to the palette to load | |
count | the size of the palette | |
addr | the offset in VRAM to load the palette |
void glTexParameter | ( | uint8 | sizeX, | |
uint8 | sizeY, | |||
const uint32 * | addr, | |||
GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM | mode, | |||
) |
Set parameters for the current texture. Although named the same as its gl counterpart, it is not compatible. Effort may be made in the future to make it so.
sizeX | the horizontal size of the texture; valid sizes are enumerated in GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM | |
sizeY | the vertical size of the texture; valid sizes are enumerated in GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM | |
addr | offset into VRAM where you put the texture | |
mode | the type of texture | |
param | paramaters for the texture |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glTranslate3f32 | ( | int32 | x, | |
int32 | y, | |||
int32 | z | |||
) |
multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
x | translation on the x axis | |
y | translation on the y axis | |
z | translation on the z axis |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glTranslatef | ( | float | x, | |
float | y, | |||
float | z | |||
) |
multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
x | translation on the x axis | |
y | translation on the y axis | |
z | translation on the z axis |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glTranslatev | ( | const GLvector * | v | ) |
multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
v | the vector to translate by |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid gluLookAt | ( | float | eyex, | |
float | eyey, | |||
float | eyez, | |||
float | lookAtx, | |||
float | lookAty, | |||
float | lookAtz, | |||
float | upx, | |||
float | upy, | |||
float | upz | |||
) |
Places the camera at the specified location and orientation (floating point version).
eyex | (eyex, eyey, eyez) Location of the camera. | |
eyey | (eyex, eyey, eyez) Location of the camera. | |
eyez | (eyex, eyey, eyez) Location of the camera. | |
lookAtx | (lookAtx, lookAty, lookAtz) Where the camera is looking. | |
lookAty | (lookAtx, lookAty, lookAtz) Where the camera is looking. | |
lookAtz | (lookAtx, lookAty, lookAtz) Where the camera is looking. | |
upx | <upx, upy, upz> Unit vector describing which direction is up for the camera. | |
upy | <upx, upy, upz> Unit vector describing which direction is up for the camera. | |
upz | <upx, upy, upz> Unit vector describing which direction is up for the camera. |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid gluLookAtf32 | ( | int32 | eyex, | |
int32 | eyey, | |||
int32 | eyez, | |||
int32 | lookAtx, | |||
int32 | lookAty, | |||
int32 | lookAtz, | |||
int32 | upx, | |||
int32 | upy, | |||
int32 | upz | |||
) |
Places the camera at the specified location and orientation (fixed point version).
eyex | (eyex, eyey, eyez) Location of the camera. | |
eyey | (eyex, eyey, eyez) Location of the camera. | |
eyez | (eyex, eyey, eyez) Location of the camera. | |
lookAtx | (lookAtx, lookAty, lookAtz) Where the camera is looking. | |
lookAty | (lookAtx, lookAty, lookAtz) Where the camera is looking. | |
lookAtz | (lookAtx, lookAty, lookAtz) Where the camera is looking. | |
upx | <upx, upy, upz> Unit vector describing which direction is up for the camera. | |
upy | <upx, upy, upz> Unit vector describing which direction is up for the camera. | |
upz | <upx, upy, upz> Unit vector describing which direction is up for the camera. |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid gluPerspective | ( | float | fovy, | |
float | aspect, | |||
float | zNear, | |||
float | zFar | |||
) |
Utility function which sets up the projection matrix (floating point version).
fovy | Specifies the field of view in degrees | |
aspect | Specifies the aspect ratio of the screen (normally screen width/screen height) | |
zNear | Specifies the near clipping plane | |
zFar | Specifies the far clipping plane |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid gluPerspectivef32 | ( | int | fovy, | |
int32 | aspect, | |||
int32 | zNear, | |||
int32 | zFar | |||
) |
Utility function which sets up the projection matrix (fixed point version).
fovy | Specifies the field of view in degrees (-32768 to 32767) | |
aspect | Specifies the aspect ratio of the screen (normally screen width/screen height) | |
zNear | Specifies the near clipping plane | |
zFar | Specifies the far clipping plane |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid gluPickMatrix | ( | int | x, | |
int | y, | |||
int | width, | |||
int | height, | |||
const int | viewport[4] | |||
) |
Utility function which generates a picking matrix for selection.
x | 2D x of center (touch x normally) | |
y | 2D y of center (touch y normally) | |
width | width in pixels of the window (3 or 4 is a good number) | |
height | height in pixels of the window (3 or 4 is a good number) | |
viewport | the current viewport (normally {0, 0, 255, 191}) |
int gluTexLoadPal | ( | const u16 * | pal, | |
u16 | count, | |||
uint8 | format | |||
) |
Loads a palette into the next available palette slot, returns the addr on success or -1.
pal | pointer to the palette to load | |
count | the size of the palette | |
format | the format of the texture |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glVertex3f | ( | float | x, | |
float | y, | |||
float | z | |||
) |
specifies a vertex location
x | the x component of the vertex | |
y | the y component of the vertex | |
z | the z component of the vertex |
specifies a vertex
x | the x component for the vertex | |
y | the y component for the vertex | |
z | the z component for the vertex |
GL_STATIC_INLvoid glViewport | ( | uint8 | x1, | |
uint8 | y1, | |||
uint8 | x2, | |||
uint8 | y2 | |||
) |
specify the viewport for following drawing, can be set several times per frame.
x1 | the left of the viewport | |
y1 | the bottom of the viewport | |
x2 | the right of the viewport | |
y2 | the top of the viewport |
GL_STATIC_INLuint32 POLY_ALPHA | ( | int | n | ) |
used in glPolyFmt() to set the alpha level for the following polygons, set to 0 for wireframe mode
n | the level of alpha (0-31) |
GL_STATIC_INLint32 POLY_ID | ( | int | n | ) |
used in glPolyFmt() to set the Polygon ID for the following polygons
n | the ID to set for following polygons (0-63) |